Overview English books 

Towards Spiritual Encounter

Everyday Sacramental Meetings

By Albert Smit


More precious than Light

How dialogue can transform relationships and build community

Margarete van den Brink

Relationships are built through dialogue – through exploring heartfelt questions that lead to liberating
personal insights. This book shows how such dialogue can transform relationships and build community.

However, true meeting and healing conversations take effort.


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Life after death as a path to a new life

By Margarete van den Brink

More and more people are becoming conscious of the fact that our human existence continues after death. But in what way?

This booklet describes the journey of the human being through life after death. It is a process of letting go, of learning and of gaining insights and intentions for a next life. Anyone who reads about this journey will gain courage and strength!

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What Happens When We Die?

Our Journey in the Afterlife

By Margarete van den Brink and Hans Stolp

The book is about questions like: Is there truly life beyond death? What happens when we die? What is the world beyond death really like and what tasks await us there? Can the living stay connected with, or even help, their loved ones who have passed on? Why is love and wisdom gained in life on earth so important in the afterlife?


This book is a re-edition of A Christian book of the Dead.

Transforming People and Organizations

The Seven Steps of Spiritual Development

Margarete van den Brink

Individuals, groups and organizations find themselves in a process of continual change, transformation and growth. This book shows that all people, whether individually, in relationships or in groups, pass through the same archetypal processes of development, consisting of seven steps. The path through the seven phases is in its essence
a process of spiritual development. A knowledge of the various steps allows for clarity and vision, helping to prepare for all sorts of challenges and rewards we may face in our life and work situations.


Time for Transformation

Through darkness to the light

Margarete van den Brink and Hans Stolp

We live in a fascinating era, providing us with 'the best of times' and the 'worst of times'. On the one hand we see how people are becoming more aware and spiritual, but on the other hand we encounter increasing violence and lack of conscience.

The book deals with questions like

  • Why is evil becoming ever more prominent in the world, in an ever greater variety of forms?
  • What can we do to keep the world a reasonably good place to live in?


The books can be ordered from any bookshop or directly from

Booksource – Glasgow, UK.

Or from www.amazon.com



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